February 14, 2024

10 Best Alternatives to Tableau for 2024

Luke Stanke
Product Manager

In today's fast-moving world of data, Tableau has been a go-to choice for many companies looking for a data analytics platform. But no single tool fits every company perfectly.

This is why we've written the best Tableau alternatives in 2024. Our aim is not just to list options but to delve deep into how these alternatives can better meet your business needs, offering flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and a more intuitive user experience.

We'll explore why you might seek a Tableau alternative, outline the essential features of a good substitute, and dive into the top 10 options available. We'll assess each for its strengths, especially in overcoming Tableau's everyday issues. From Sigma's unique approach to data analytics to the innovative offerings of Power BI, Qlik, and others—we'll guide you through choosing the best tool for your data visualization and analytics needs.

Why consider an alternative?

Tableau has set data visualization and analytics benchmarks, yet certain limitations prompt users to seek alternatives that better align with their evolving needs. Identifying these weaknesses helps pinpoint what features or capabilities to prioritize in an alternative solution. Here are five common areas where alternatives could outperform Tableau, enhancing your data analytics experience:

  • User-Friendliness for All Skill Levels One of Tableau's challenges is its steep learning curve, especially for non-technical users. Alternatives that offer more intuitive interfaces can democratize data analytics, making powerful insights accessible to everyone in the organization, not just data scientists.
  • Enhanced Real-Time Data Processing Real-time data analysis is crucial for timely data projections. Some users find Tableau's capabilities in this area lacking, particularly with large datasets. Look for alternatives offering real-time data access and analysis, ensuring your insights are as current as possible.
  • Scalability Without Compromising Performance As businesses grow, their data analytics tools must scale accordingly. Tableau sometimes needs help with performance issues under heavy loads or complex data visualizations. Alternatives that maintain high performance and speed, regardless of dataset size or complexity, can be a significant advantage. Speed is crucial to Business Intelligence.
  • Greater Customization and Flexibility While Tableau provides a wide array of visualization options, users seeking higher levels of customization may find it limiting. Alternatives allowing more flexibility in dashboard and report customization enable businesses to tailor their BI analytics tools to their precise needs.
  • Cost Efficiency for Diverse Budgets The investment in Tableau might not be within reach for all organizations, small-to-medium-sized businesses. Alternatives offering competitive and transparent pricing models can provide a more accessible entry point to powerful data analytics capabilities.

What to look for in an alternative?

Choosing the right data analytics tool involves understanding your specific needs and finding a solution that meets these criteria. Here are five essential requirements that a top-tier alternative should fulfill, offering a blend of performance, usability, and value that could potentially outshine Tableau:

  • Intuitive Design and Ease of Use An ideal alternative should cater to users across the spectrum of technical expertise. Look for tools that provide an intuitive user interface, simplifying complex data analysis tasks. This makes data analytics accessible to a broader audience within an organization, from marketing professionals to product managers, ensuring that actionable insights are not gated behind technical barriers.
  • Advanced Real-Time Analytics The ability to process and analyze data in real time is crucial for businesses that rely on up-to-the-minute information to make informed decisions. Seek alternatives that excel in delivering real-time analytics capabilities, enabling you to react swiftly to market changes, customer behavior, and operational efficiencies without delay.
  • Scalable Solutions for Growing Data Needs As your business grows, so does the volume and complexity of your data. The suitable alternative should be inherently scalable and capable of handling large datasets and complex queries without a drop in performance. This ensures your analytics tool grows with your business, providing consistent value and insights.
  • Customizable and Flexible Dashboards Flexibility in customization allows you to tailor the tool to your specific needs, creating data dashboards and reports that resonate with your business objectives. An alternative that offers extensive customization options enables you to present data most effectively for your stakeholders, enhancing understanding and decision-making processes.
  • Cost-Effective Pricing Models Cost is a significant consideration for any organization. Look for alternatives that offer transparent and flexible pricing models, allowing you to maximize your investment in data analytics. This is especially important for small to medium-sized enterprises or startups that need robust data analytics capabilities without the hefty price tag.

Best alternatives to Tableau

Here is a list of our top Tableau alternatives:

  1. Sigma
  2. Power BI
  3. Qlik
  4. Looker
  5. Domo
  6. Sisense
  7. Thoughtspot / Mode
  8. Metabase
  9. Microstrategy
  10. AWS Quicksight

Sigma comparison

Sigma emerges as a compelling alternative to Tableau by directly addressing the key considerations for businesses searching for advanced data analytics tools. Here's how Sigma stands out:

With Sigma, you get the following:

  • Intuitive User Experience Sigma's platform is designed to focus on usability, making advanced data analytics accessible to users of all skill levels. Its intuitive interface allows for drag-and-drop data exploration, significantly reducing the learning curve and enabling a broader range of users to make data-driven decisions.
  • Real-time Data Insights Leveraging the cloud, Sigma provides real-time data processing capabilities, ensuring your analytics are as up-to-date as possible. This is crucial for businesses that depend on timely data to respond to rapidly changing conditions.
  • Scalability for Any Size of Data Sigma's architecture is built to handle data of any size without compromising performance. This scalability ensures that Sigma can continue to provide fast, efficient analytics as your business and data grow.
  • Customizable Dashboards and Reports With Sigma, customization is at the forefront. Users can easily tailor dashboards and reports to fit their specific needs, allowing them to present data most effectively for their audience.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions Sigma offers competitive pricing, making it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes. By providing a powerful analytics tool without prohibitive costs, Sigma ensures businesses can leverage their data for insights and decision-making.
  • Enhanced Data Input Capabilities: Sigma introduces the ability to directly write data to the warehouse, enriching analytics with human context through easy spreadsheet inputs. This feature enhances data accuracy and depth, allowing for more nuanced analysis and decision-making.

See a detailed comparison between Tableau and Sigma.

Tableau vs Sigma
Sigma dashboard


Sigma's pricing model is transparent and scalable, designed to fit the needs of small teams and large enterprises. Plans range from basic to premium, and businesses can select the tier that best matches their analytics requirements and budget constraints.


Sigma prides itself on offering exceptional customer support. Users can access a comprehensive range of resources, including live support, online tutorials, and community forums, ensuring that help is readily available.

Other vendors

Power BI

Microsoft Power BI is a popular business analytics service that offers comprehensive data analysis and visualization tools that are deeply integrated with other Microsoft products.

Power BI in short

  • Integration with the Microsoft ecosystem is a double-edged sword, offering seamless operation within the suite (such as Azure, Excel, and SharePoint) but potentially complicating integration with third-party applications.
  • The free version is limited to daily data refreshes which may be insufficient for businesses requiring real-time data analysis. The Pro and Premium versions offer more frequent updates at a higher cost.
  • Creating complex visuals requires deep DAX expertise, creating a barrier to entry for those without programming experience.
Tableau vs Power BI vs Sigma
Power BI dashboard


It offers a free version with basic features; the Pro version is required for more advanced collaboration and analytics capabilities and is priced per user/month. Enterprise pricing varies based on deployment and usage needs.


Microsoft provides extensive documentation, forums, and user communities. Paid support plans offer more direct access to technical support teams.


Qlik offers a unique approach to data analytics with its associative analytics engine, enabling intuitive exploration and insights.

Qlik in short

  • Qlik's associative analytics engine allows users to uncover insights across various data sources without predefined queries, offering a flexible analysis experience.
  • The platform requires considerable time and resources for setup and customization, which might hinder rapid deployment.
  • While powerful, Qlik can encounter performance challenges with extensive datasets, potentially impacting analysis speed and efficiency.
Tableau vs Qlik vs Sigma
Qlik dashboard


Qlik’s pricing is customized, lacks upfront transparency, which could pose challenges for budget-conscious organizations or those needing precise cost projections. Direct engagement is necessary to obtain pricing details, adding a step to the evaluation process.


Offers a knowledge base, community support, and direct support for customers with maintenance agreements.


Looker, part of Google Cloud, focuses on empowering businesses through data with its powerful analytics platform.

Looker in short

  • It is optimized for integration with Google Cloud Platform services, which poses a challenge to businesses leveraging other cloud services or on-premise solutions.
  • The setup and integration of LookML, its modeling language, can be complex for organizations without dedicated data teams.
  • While offering extensive customization options, integrating Looker with non-Google services or adapting it to specific business needs can be challenging.
Tableau vs Looker vs Sigma
Looker dashboard


Custom pricing based on the scale of use and specific business needs, requiring direct contact for quotes.


Looker offers a range of support options—including detailed documentation and community forums, which are valuable resources for troubleshooting and learning. However, the level of direct, personalized support a user can receive might depend on their subscription tier or the specific service agreement in place. For businesses requiring hands-on assistance or those with complex implementation needs, evaluating the availability and responsiveness of Looker's professional support services is a major consideration. 


Domo presents a comprehensive cloud-based business intelligence solution designed to facilitate real-time analytics and data visualization by integrating various data sources. While it stands out for its extensive features, there are considerations to bear in mind, especially when weighing it against other market options.

Domo in short

  • Difficult to integrate with disparate data sources, requiring additional technical support.
  • Extensive suite of features can be overwhelming for users seeking simplicity, leading to underutilization.
  • Customization and advanced data processing requires additional investment in training and onboarding, increasing the total cost of ownership and time to value making it less accessible for small businesses.
  • Distinguishes itself with robust mobile access enabling users to derive insights and manage dashboards on the go.
Tableau vs Domo vs Sigma
Domo dashboard


Domo uses a custom pricing model, which varies based on the number of users and data capacity.


Domo's support ecosystem encompasses a help center, community forums, and tiered direct support options. 


Sisense enables organizations to simplify complex data from multiple sources and provides analytics and intelligence solutions.

Sisense in short

  • Compex deployments can be resource-intensive for smaller organizations to implement effectively.
  • Customization and embedded analytics demands a high level of technical skill, which may necessitate additional training or hiring of specialized personnel.
  • Performance optimization for large or complex datasets requires additional configuration.
Tableau vs Sisense vs Sigma
Sisense dashboard


Offers custom pricing based on the specific needs and scale of each organization.


Provides access to a knowledge base, community forums, and direct customer support for troubleshooting and guidance.

ThoughtSpot / Mode

ThoughtSpot is known for its search and AI-driven analytics platform, enabling users to get answers from data through natural language queries.

ThoughtSpot / Mode in short

  • Pricing for AI and search-driven analytics capabilities, can be prohibitive for smaller organizations or those with limited analytics budgets.
  • Integration with existing data infrastructure can be complex and time-consuming, requiring detailed planning and execution to ensure compatibility and performance.
  • Search-driven analytics may require a significant shift in organizational culture and user behavior, as it differs from traditional BI query methods.
Tableau vs ThoughtSpot / Mode vs Sigma
ThoughtSpot dashboard


Customized pricing based on the deployment size and specific customer requirements.


Offers a knowledge base, customer support portal, and dedicated support teams for enterprise customers.


Metabase is an open-source business intelligence tool that allows users to explore, visualize, and share data insights.

Metabase in short

  • Being open-source, the lack of dedicated support can be a limitation for businesses requiring immediate assistance.
  • Lacks the feature depth and scalability required by larger enterprises with more complex analytics needs.
  • Not applicable for specialized analytics use cases due to limited customization options.
Tableau vs Metabase vs Sigma
Metabase dashboard


Free to use, with the option for paid support and hosting services for businesses needing additional assistance.


Community support is available through forums and GitHub, with commercial support available for enterprise users.


MicroStrategy provides comprehensive business intelligence tools, offering detailed analytics, reporting, and data visualization capabilities.

MicroStrategy in short

  • High total cost of ownership, including dedicated IT teams to manage and optimize its capabilities, licensing, and maintenance fees.
  • Requires longer implementation times for complex deployments and integrations with existing IT infrastructure.
  • More feature-rich than necessary for smaller businesses or straightforward use cases.
Tableau vs MicroS vs Sigma
MicroStrategy dashboard


Offers custom pricing based on the scale and specific requirements of the business.


Provides extensive documentation, a user community, and direct support options for customers.

AWS QuickSight

Amazon QuickSight is a scalable, serverless, embeddable, machine learning-powered business intelligence service built for the cloud.

QuickSight in short

  • Best leveraged by businesses already invested in the AWS ecosystem, posing a challenge to businesses leveraging other cloud services or on-premise solutions.
  • Limited customization options can be a constraint for users with complex analytical needs.
  • Counterintuitive user interface may require additional time for users to become proficient.
Tableau vs AWS QuickSight vs Sigma
AWS QuickSight dashboard


Offers pay-per-session pricing for readers and monthly subscription pricing for authors, with additional costs for SPICE capacity.


Amazon provides documentation, forums, and premium support plans for direct assistance.

Wrapping up

While each Tableau alternative discussed offers unique strengths, Sigma is a particularly strong option due to its user-friendly design, powerful real-time analytics, scalability, customization capabilities, cost efficiency, and excellent customer support. For businesses looking to empower their teams with data analytics and drive informed decision-making, Sigma presents a compelling solution that addresses many of the limitations and challenges associated with other tools in the market.

When choosing the right analytics tool, businesses must consider their specific needs, budget, and the level of support they require. Sigma's offerings make it a standout choice for those seeking to enhance their data analytics capabilities, making it the best alternative to Tableau for many users.

Call to action

For businesses ready to take their data analytics capabilities to the next level, considering Sigma Computing as a Tableau alternative is a step towards enhancing data-driven decision-making processes. To explore Sigma's offerings and see how it can transform your data analytics practices:

  • Schedule a Demo Experience firsthand how Sigma can meet your business analytics needs with a personalized demonstration.
  • Start a Free Trial Get hands-on with Sigma's features and functionalities and see the difference it can make for your organization.
  • Contact Sales Discuss your specific requirements and learn more about Sigma's pricing and support options tailored to your business.

Frequently asked questions about Tableau competitors

  • What makes Sigma a better alternative to Tableau? Sigma combines ease of use for non-technical users with powerful real-time analytics and scalability, offering a cost-effective solution with excellent support.
  • Can Sigma handle large datasets as effectively as Tableau? Yes, Sigma is designed to scale with your data needs, ensuring efficient processing of large datasets without compromising performance.
  • Is Sigma suitable for businesses not fully integrated into the cloud? Sigma's cloud-native architecture is optimized for flexibility and integration, making it suitable for businesses at various stages of cloud integration.
  • How does Sigma's pricing compare to Tableau and other competitors? Sigma offers competitive pricing with transparent tiers, making it an attractive option for businesses looking for value without sacrificing functionality.
  • What kind of support can I expect with Sigma? Sigma provides comprehensive support, including live assistance, online tutorials, and a community forum to ensure users maximize their analytics capabilities.

Related Links

To further explore Sigma Computing and its advantages over Tableau and other analytics tools, consider visiting the following resources:

By equipping yourself with the right information and exploring the capabilities of each tool, you can ensure that your business leverages the best data analytics platform to meet its unique needs, fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making.