Build a Snowflake management practice like a pro with Sigma

Sigma lets you take all of the data and activity from your snowflake instance and build customizable reporting tools that let you manage everything from consumption to performance.

Manage the little details of your Snowflake instance

With Sigma you can dive into the details of your Snowflake consumption and usage using real time live data from your Snowflake warehouse.

Calculating cost per query in Snowflake

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Managing authentication and user access in Snowflake

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Tracking user activity in Snowflake

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Analyze your clusters across Snowflake

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Snowflake Cost Monitoring

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With Sigma and Snowflake you can do so much more

Working with the data that been traditionally trapped inside of your Snowflake warehouse has never been easier. Our customers use Sigma to build next generation analytics and reporting solutions in a fraction of the time you would in another BI tool

How Snowflake's Connector for Google Analytics Centralizes Marketing Data

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Going Beyond BI: Activating Analytics

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Snowpark and Sigma Open Machine Learning to Business Teams

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5 Reasons Sigma and Snowflake are Better Together

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Unlock Machine Learning Insights with Snowflake’s Snowpark on Sigma

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Dynamically Assign Snowflake Roles and Warehouses with Sigma User Attributes

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Snowpark, Input Tables & Sigma AI: The Future of Analytics

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Modernizing Risk Analytics with Sigma on Snowflake

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The best way to get started is to get started. We've custom built Sigma to work with the largest most important data sets on the planet and with the addition of Python in Sigma we're excited to usher in a new way to work with data at scale. If you're up to the challenge we encourage you to get started with Sigma today.