July 11, 2022

Launch New Workbooks in Seconds with “Sigma.New”

Launch New Workbooks in Seconds with “Sigma.New”

One of Sigma’s goals is to get as many business analysts “hands-on keyboard” with their cloud data warehouse as possible. Sometimes we take that goal quite literally with our library of keyboard shortcuts and now we are introducing a handy Sigma URL shortcut for new workbooks.

Once logged into Sigma, you can create a new workbook simply by typing “sigma.new” into your web browser. Immediately cut out three mouse-click speed bumps from your exploratory workflow!

You are then free to perform net new analysis, look-ups, and visualizations on top of data live in your cloud data warehouse. Remember to save your work once you find an insight! But do not worry if you forget…all-new unsaved explorations created via this shortcut will reside for 30 days in the Explorations tab inside your Recents page.

Log into Sigma today and find a new insight with “Sigma.new

P.S. It’s a useful bookmark as well!

Zack Norton
Technical Product Marketing Manager
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