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Data left behind is intelligence left behind

May 15, 2024
Register today

Your proprietary intelligence is what helps you get the most value out of AI. But, this intelligence is not always easily captured.

Join Fivetran and Sigma Computing to learn how you can prepare your organization for generative AI success by enhancing your data, centralized in Snowflake, with human intelligence.

During this webinar we will:

  • Walk through the steps you need to take to prepare your data for AI
  • Demonstrate how easily you can move semi-structured text data into Snowflake using Fivetran
  • Iterate on the data model with rapid data prototyping in Sigma
  • Leverage Snowflake's AI capabilities within Sigma


Alex Hauer

Lead Product Marketing Manager, Transformations @ Fivetran

Sully Clark

Ecosystem Partner Engineer @ Sigma Computing



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