
Administration & IT business intelligence solutions

All your data, governed and secure 🔐. Your data remains in your cloud data warehouse and your users benefit from live, real time results.

For administrators, Sigma provides a single point of access for your data to establish robust data governance for consistency and accuracy. It reduces report sprawl by empowering end users via better self-service while restricting access to sensitive information with better regulatory compliance.

Sigma supports a variety of different visualizations to help better communicate and understand different types of data. With over 40+ native configurations, you can build easily customized elements to help share the information in your warehouse with just a few clicks. Customization can be added across different components of the visualizations, like adding trendlines, configuring tooltips, and custom sorting.

Secure all of your enterprise data

With Sigma, your data is always safe and secure. Administrators can set permissions by individual user and/or group, as well as restrict data access directly from the database. Sigma provides secure data analytics by ensuring the platform is protected at every layer of the stack through authentication, authorization, and encryption.

Maintain and enforce data governance

Curate, enrich, transform, and join data into “datasets” for more controlled, guided user access. Add “badges” to endorse high quality data, cloud data warehouse tables, datasets, workbooks, dashboards and more. Materialize datasets for better performance & usage by other tools and writeback using Input Tables help operationalize data into action. 

Sigma supports a variety of different visualizations to help better communicate and understand different types of data. With over 40+ native configurations, you can build easily customized elements to help share the information in your warehouse with just a few clicks. Customization can be added across different components of the visualizations, like adding trendlines, configuring tooltips, and custom sorting.
Sigma supports a variety of different visualizations to help better communicate and understand different types of data. With over 40+ native configurations, you can build easily customized elements to help share the information in your warehouse with just a few clicks. Customization can be added across different components of the visualizations, like adding trendlines, configuring tooltips, and custom sorting.

Manage your storage and compute costs

Sigma provides multiple tiers of caching and evaluation to reduce data warehouse load and enhance user experience. Using these mechanisms, Sigma helps ensure that customers typically gain far more value from fast, easy access to data than the increased cost.  Access our Snowflake Cost Monitoring interactive demo here.

Boost productivity and empower your users

Curate, enrich, transform, and join data into “datasets” for more controlled, guided user access. Add “badges” to endorse high quality data, cloud data warehouse tables, datasets, workbooks, dashboards and more. Materialize datasets for better performance & usage by other tools and writeback using Input Tables help operationalize data into action. 

Sigma supports a variety of different visualizations to help better communicate and understand different types of data. With over 40+ native configurations, you can build easily customized elements to help share the information in your warehouse with just a few clicks. Customization can be added across different components of the visualizations, like adding trendlines, configuring tooltips, and custom sorting.