Sigma vs. Mode

SQL/Python/R not your Modus Operandi?

From database to visualization, Sigma delivers true self-service, no SQL required

Feeling the limitations of Mode?

  • SQL required
  • Parameters must be known in advance
  • More overhead required

Sigma delivers true self-service, no SQL or code required.


  • Allows users to start asking questions directly from tables in their cloud data warehouse.
  • Drill anywhere your data allows, without any additional overhead.
  • Filters actually filter the data, allowing users to dig in on the same SQL queries Sigma helps them build.
  • Empowers anyone who knows how to use a spreadsheet to start analyzing data that previously required SQL.


  • Requires analysts to set up tables in Mode ahead of time leveraging SQL, R, or Python.
  • Limited drill functionality requires users to understand SQL to take full advantage.
  • Requires analysts to set up parameters for users to directly interact with the SQL queries they wrote, adding time to the analysis process.
  • Limits how data consumers can interact with their own data, ultimately meaning more overhead for your analyst team.


Cowen uses Sigma
Cowen uses Sigma
Cowen uses Sigma
Cowen uses Sigma

Real-time support in minutes, not days

“The support team is nailing it, it's really good support. Please keep it and even if you make it "VIP Treatment," then we want to be VIP. We love your live support.”

Nan Xiao
CTO, Greenland Capital Management

“There hasn't been a single data question I haven't been able to answer in Sigma once I engage the support team for help.”

Mathew Jennings
Director, Orennia

“What really helped make my life easier in making the case for Sigma was the thought, effort, and responsiveness that your team put in whereas the competition simply lacked that level of depth!”

Orr Sergev
Director of Analytics, OpenWeb

Why Companies Choose Sigma Over Mode

A Language and Interface Users Already Know and Love

Sigma allows any user, whether they know spreadsheets or SQL, to start analyzing data the moment they set up their data warehouse connection. Mode requires analysts to start from SQL for every operation, creating a bottleneck every time requirements change upstream. Sigma empowers users to discover answers on their own in a familiar and intuitive UI. 

Complex Questions Answered in Minutes

With Sigma's machine-generated SQL, analysts can answer complex questions in minutes. Window functions, User Defined Functions, and sub-selects are created on the fly as users start to interact and ask questions of their data. In Mode, you need dedicated SQL analysts to reach the same results in more time. And if you’re wondering, of course Sigma allows for users to write raw SQL directly against their data warehouse and visualize it if they desire (we just don’t think it’s ever necessary)

A Forward Facing Roadmap With the User in Mind

Sigma's focus has always been on putting the business user first. Cloud warehouse solutions have enabled data at a scale never before possible, but BI tools have had a tough time keeping up. The reality is, the average user is most comfortable in spreadsheets. We built our product with that user in mind. If they can answer questions themselves, it frees up the analyst team to do other vital work that helps your company hum. Mode was born with the data scientist in mind, and while that’s also incredibly valuable, the work they do tends to generate more questions that can be difficult for business users to truly answer in Mode.

Explore our customer stories

“If you had told me a year ago that we were going to switch embedded analytics' providers, I would’ve told you, you were crazy. Looker was integrated throughout our application. However, after running into enough roadblocks, limitations, and support issues, we started searching for alternatives and finally implemented Sigma.”

Taylor Perkins

Co-founder & CTO, Slope Software

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“Sigma has been instrumental in empowering our business users through self-service analytics and moving our organization to a single source of truth that allows us to make more informed, data-driven decisions.”

Bill Miksich

Chief of Staff, 

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